Frog Soup,Any one ?

Frog Soup,Any one ?

Food inflation has been a matter of debate and discussion in the media.It has crossed double digits. A news item in BUSINESS STANDARD of 2nd Sept 2011 made me think and send my comments to the editor as under :

Dear Sir,

This refers to your article :”Food inflation in double digits…” in BS of 2nd Sept 2011.Earlier too the print media had reported about the PM’s serious concern about inflation in his Independence day message.The PM deserves all praise for recognising that the demon called inflation,needs to be tamed,more seriously because of reports of slowdown in world economy begining with USA.However,it is a very difficult task. An interesting observation made by Ric Edelman,a financial expert and a strategist,is called the “Boiling Frog Syndrome”. He introduced the idea to explain how the American public has come to accept a certain amount of inflation as normal, despite the ease of producing sound arguments that inflation works against our best efforts to plan and build wealth over the long term.Here is Edelman’s account of the syndrome: “If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he’ll jump out. But if you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat, it will boil to death. And so it is with inflation. We’ve grown accustomed to inflation over the past 25 years,but that doesn’t mean we don’t continue to be hurt by its effect”. It Is now perhaps the same syndrome that is responsible for inflation affecting Indian economy.This frog certainly needs watching. J S BROCA,New Delhi.

After waiting for a few days,I am happy to know that BS has featured an abridged version of my letter in today’s issue,as under : 

Letters :Frogs in a boiling pot ? 
Business Standard / New Delhi September 13, 2011.
This refers to the article “Food inflation in double digits after 5 months” (September 2). The prime minister deserves praise for recognising that inflation needs to be tamed, especially in view of reports of a slowdown in the world economy.
Ric Edelman, a financial expert and strategist, had made an interesting observation called the “boiling frog syndrome” to explain how the American public had come to accept a certain amount of inflation as normal. Here is Edelman’s account of the syndrome: “If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he’ll jump out. But if you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat, it will boil to death. And so it is with inflation. We’ve grown accustomed to inflation over the past 25 years,but that doesn’t mean we don’t continue to be hurt by its effect.” The same syndrome perhaps affects India too.
J S Broca, New Delhi

To read my letter on website of BUSINESS STANDARD,please go to :
To read the original article of 2nd Sept.,go to :
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