Obama’s Visit…

Obama’s Visit 

The recent visit of the Obamas to India,prompted me to pen my reaction and send it to some newspapers.Here is what I wrote : 

Dear Sir, 

“Veni,Vidi,Vici …”  

“I Came, I Saw, I Conquered” is the literal meaning of these three Latin words,which according to Plutarch,were used by Julius Caesar succinctly,to describe one of his victories.

With apologies to Plutarch and Caesar, I feel, Obama’s Indian visit can be summed up as :” He Came,He Saw,He Conquered “. He Came-to a grand reception and welcome.He Saw-the sights,the horses,the camels.He Conquered-the hearts,minds,brains of the people,the politicians and the intelligentsia. 

While it can be said of the First Lady Michelle that “She’Hopped’ (playing hop-scotch with kids),She ‘Shopped’ (at the handicraft museum),She ‘Shook’ (a leg or two in dancing with school children).  

That they both tasted (special platters) and feasted ( royal menus at banquets) was ancillary !      

Before leaving,Obama also punched a few powerful packs in backing up India’s entry to UN SC and by uttering the P-Word (Pakistan) much to the media’s delight.
New Delhi
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