Eggs-actly !!

I just love this ad ! So I decided to collect some information related to EGGS.
Here’s what I could cull from various sources :
Scramble for the market.


By Sandip Das
From The Financial Express: Mar 17, 2009 

 Last year, a 50-member team of students from Harvard Business School made a quick touch down at a farm in Gurgaon near Delhi. No, they were not part of a budget holiday team, nor were they here to soak in the unadulterated sunshine of incredible India. Their mission was to pick up some vital tips from Vinod Kapoor, chairman of Keggfarms, one of the oldest poultry breeding organisations in the country, established in 1967. Best known for pioneering genetic breeding of poultry stocks in India since 1972, Keggfarms can be credited for introducing Delhi-ites to the concept of branded eggs.


What is unique about the Keggfarms business model is that unlike in the commercial poultry, the same bird is used for both meat and laying of eggs. And mind you these are not the regular eggs that you see at your friendly neighbourhood kirana shops.


Their tan-coloured shells, bright yellowish orange yolk and firm albumen distinguish the eggs that come out of the Keggfarms. They are produced by disease-free, specially-bred laying hens in the company’s hygienic farm facilities. The hens are housed in stress-free sanitary conditions on litter. They have access to plentiful sunshine and are fed a nutritionally rich and balanced diet of maize, rice derivatives, soya, sunflower, limestone, vitamins and other organic plant products together with ample greens. The feed contains no antibiotics, hormones, chemical stimulants or any other ingredient that may have a carryover effect on the consumer.


Tired already? Gorge on some Keggs—the brand under which the farm’s eggs are retailed—boiled, scrambled or poached, as you like…


But remember Kapoor is one of the small but dedicated bunch of people who are working hard to make Indian consumers accept the idea of branded eggs and shell out a 40-50% premium as well. These are the eggs you see neatly packed in moulded fibre packing, lining shelves at the Big Bazaars, Spencer’s and other supermarkets near you, marketed by farms such as

Suguna, Keggfarms and Bajaj Poultry, among others.


Of course, it is still a very small market. “Only 3% of the eggs sold in India are branded eggs,” says Ricky Thapar, treasurer, Poultry Federation of India. But poultry firms see this as a market ready to grow as health consciousness among consumers increases.


“We are not selling eggs as simple branded products; we are marketing them as value added foods,” says KK Thirumozhi Raja, manager, marketing, Coimbatore-based Suguna Poultry Farm, part of Suguna Group, the largest poultry enterprise in the country with a turnover of Rs 2,030 crore in 2007-08.


Although the per capita consumption of eggs in the country is still low compared with developed countries, India has emerged as the fourth largest egg producer in the world with a production of 48 billion eggs, per annum. And it is just in the last few years that we have begun to see value-added eggs or organic eggs at the organised retail stores and other specialised outlets.


The industry acknowledges that low consumption is an issue, and had tried, in its own way to address the problem. Remember, the Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao ande campaign of the nineties? (See box below.) The campaign promoted the habit of eating eggs as part of one’s daily diet, helping the country’s per capita egg consumption to grow from a mere 27 per head, per annum in 1993-94 to 41 by 2005-06. It has crossed 50 per head per annum mark since then.


For branded eggs to take off, prices have to be competitive. Says Raja, the prices of branded eggs are higher because the cost of production is high. The company, for example, uses specialised feed for birds to produce the Suguna Heart eggs, that have considerably less cholesterol. The feed cost is estimated to be 150% higher than regular chicken feed. All in all, the company offers four varieties of value-added eggs, each fortified with specific vitamins, and nutrients to help maintain a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle of people. Says Raja, “The eggs are collected frequently, cleaned by wiping with approved liquid, graded in the grading machine, packed in the six eggs capacity PVC or pulp boxes with hologram and labels.”


Most of these companies marketing premium eggs agree that the Indian consumer is price sensitive and that there is need to educate consumers on the why value-added eggs command the mark up. Sanjay Bajaj, promoter of Bajaj Sanjay Poultry Farm, says one way to grow the market for branded eggs is to improve the width of distribution. “Our focus is to supply to neighbourhood stores because people don’t visit the big department stores as often as they drop by at neighbourhood grocery stores.”


“Consumers would take their own time to migrate from conventional eggs to branded eggs,” says Raja of Suguna. An official with the National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC), the apex body for poultry farmers, acknowledges that a big cause for worry for the consumers has been the frequent reports of bird flu in Assam, West Bengal and Sikkim over the last couple of years. Questions have been raised about the hygiene and quality standards of poultry firms, as still more than 50% of the poultry industry remains with small time and unorganised sector.


To deal with the issue of hygiene, NECC had earlier appealed to the government to suspend all projects and programmes aimed at promoting backyard poultry farming, especially, in the eastern states where India shares a porous border with Bangladesh. The committee had noted that recurring declarations of bird flu in a few backyard poultry farms were damaging the perception of the entire poultry industry, including the organised sector, jeopardising the livelihood of millions of people dependant on this industry, as also standing in the way of overall growth.

Perhaps it’s time for yet another advertising campaign to woo consumers—Sunday ho ya Monday, have value-added ande.


Andey ka funda


India is fourth largest producer of eggs at 48 billion eggs per annum

The per capita consumption is only 47 eggs per person per annum; compare this to European Union and the United States, where the per capita consumption is 230 eggs per person per annum

Indian poultry industry is estimated at Rs 20,000 crore and more than 2 million people are involved with the industry directly or indirectly

The industry is growing at 7-8% per annum (broiler growth: 11%; layer growth: 5%)

It contributes 8% of the value of livestock and 2.5% of total agriculture products

India’s exports of poultry products increased from Rs 318 crore in 2006-07 to Rs 441 crore in 2007-08. Processed egg products accounted for about 48% of the exports.


Just eat it


Eggs are one of nature’s most perfectly balanced foods, containing all the protein, vitamins (except vitamin C) and minerals essential for good health.


Today’s large egg contains only a moderate amount of fat, with about 5 gm in only the egg yolk (1.5 gm saturated), 213 mg of cholesterol and 75 calories. Eggs can easily fit into your daily fat limit.


The break up:

Calories: 80

Protein: 6.3 gm

Carbohydrates: 0.6 gm

Total fat: 5.0 gm

– monounsaturated fat: 2.0 gm

– polyunsaturated fat: 0.7 gm

– saturated fat: 1.5 gm

Cholesterol: 213 mlgm

Sodium: 63 mlgm


Eggs are considered a complete protein because they contain all nine essential amino acids, or the building blocks of protein. Scientists frequently use eggs as a standard for measuring the protein quality of other foods. Protein quality is expressed as biological value, which measures the rate of efficiency that protein is used for growth. At 93.7%, eggs score higher than any other food.

(Source: NECC)
Now lets know something about NECC:


Around the year 1981, the Indian poultry industry was hit by an unprecedented crises. Over 40 percent of all poultry farmers had stopped operations because the business had become econimically unviable. Middlemen had forced down prices and farmers were being paid less than their production cost, a result of speculative trading, since the existing market and distribution network was working against the interest of the farmers. Feed costs had risen by 250 percent in the past 5 years, whereas egg prices were static at an average of 35 paise. Consumption of eggs was low and the future looked anything but healthy.


My Egg, My Price, My Life …


With no help coming from any quarter, a group of farmers motivated by Dr. B.V. Rao traveled across the country, organizing over 300 meetings with groups, individuals, and traders. Their objective – unite poultry farmers from all over India, and take control of their own destiny. Dr. Rao’s call “My Egg, My Price, My Life” consequently brought farmers onto a united platform and realized this objective.


May 1982


NECC was formally registered under the Societies Registration Act. In line with its democratic principles, it was registered as a trust and on May 14th 1982 NECC started declaring egg prices.

 A movement of the farmers, for the farmers …


NECC is unique in many ways. With a membership of more than 25,000 it is the largest single association of poultry farmers in the world. Most of today’s egg production in India comes from NECC members.


In the past two decades, NECC has played a significant role for the betterment of the poultry industry in general, and the egg industry in particular, through its various programmes like market intervention, price support operations, egg promotion campaigns, consumer education, market research, rural market development and liaisons with the government on vital issues concerning the industry.


A complete voluntary effort by farmers, it has no statutory authority to enforce its declared price, nor does it compel anybody to contribute to its funds. It is based on co-operative spirit and a simple conviction, the right to determine their own selling price.


It makes no profits and subsists entirely on voluntary contributions from the members of layer farmers. To acquire the co-operation of all its widely dispersed members NECC uses a 3-tier democratic setup organized in the form of 40 committees around the country.

Organization : : The 3 tiers of success …


NECC functions through a 3 tier democratic structure.

  1. Executive Committee
    This apex body consists of 17 members elected by the founder members, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Zonal Committees.
  2. Zonal Committees
    NECC has Zonal Committees at each important poultry producing and consuming centre. Each Zonal Committee consists of 5 members elected by the electoral college consisting of the Charimen and Vice-Chairmen of the Local Committees in its zone. The Chairmen are also ex-officio members of the apex body. NECC has 24 Zonal Committees.
  3. Local Committees
    Local Committees form the grass root level of NECC, presently functioning in 125 locations. Each Local Committee consists of 5 members elected by the ordinary members belonging to the area covered by it.
  4. The General Body
    Comprising of 25,000 members, these are the primary members which include poultry farmers as well as egg traders. Elections to all the committees are held once in 3 years on democratic lines. NECC members work towards a common goal crossing barriers not only of geography, but of culture and language as well. To further strengthen this unity, NECC publishes the monthly NECC Review so that farmers in the farthest corner of the country are aware of the latest developments and technological progress being made world-wide.

 Objectives : Aiming high and how are they achieved … 

NECC’s objectives and achievements go far beyond determining fair egg prices. After fulfilling its original purpose NECC expanded its scope of activities to achieve the following.

  1. Price declaration.
  2. To decide upon a reasonable price for eggs which ensures a fair return to the farmers, decent margins to the middleman and a fair price to the customer.
  3. To monitor the egg stock levels in different production centres.
  4. Manage stock levels and regulate the movement of stocks from surplus to deficit regions, in order to maintain a balance between demand and supply.
  5. Market intervention through Agrocorpex India Limited.
  6. To organize and unite poultry farmers across the country.
  7. To create a dependable distribution network so that eggs could reach every household in every village.
  8. To generate employment by encouraging people to take up egg farming and egg trading.
  9. To promote exports and develop export markets
  10. To make available the technology and information for increased production of eggs.
  11. To get government support and financial aid from banks for various schemes in rural India.
  12. Advertise with the objective of educating the customer.
  13. Undertake a powerful egg promotion campaign to counter the myths about the egg and communicate it’s benefits. This would help increase the level of consumption of eggs.
  14. Market research, identification and its development.
  15. Preparation and submission of position papers to the government on issue affecting the industry.

Egg Promotion Campaigns


NECC regularly undertakes an intensive promotion campaign for increasing egg consumption through the medium of press, radio and TV. The advertisements aim to …

  • increase the frequency of consumption of egg in households consuming eggs.
  • gain entry into households not consuming eggs.
  • educate the masses about the nutritive value of eggs.
Campaigns over the electronic media have created a favourable environment for increased egg consumption and consequent increase in egg production.
The campaign on TV was further reinforced by advertisements in publications, documentary films, rural publicity through vans, unique schemes of providing egg carts to unemployed youths, nutritional booklets, mother and child care booklets, recipe booklets, exhibitions, poultry seminars and sponsorships of sport and cultural events.

Market Intervention 

It is a fact that demand drops on occasions of religious festivals, climatic changes, etc. But unlike other industries, production of eggs cannot be programmed to follow market behaviour.


Production is fairly uniform throughout the year. During times of a drop in consumption, prices of eggs fall sharply, often below the cost of production.

The demand curve invariably dips during the summer months of March, April and May, during the Hindu month of Shravan (approx. mid July to mid August), and during festival seasons like Navratri, Ganesh and Ayappa, etc. As supply remains unchanged, price drops drastically.


Eggs, being perishable by nature, cannot be stored at the farms. Farmers are therefore left with no alternative other than making distress sales. The surplus generated in the markets hereafter causes it to lose stabilty and the profitability of poultry farms starts suffering.

To overcome fluctuations of short durations, NECC established the mechanism of Market Intervention for price support operations. The operations are carried out by designated government and private agencies.
Food and egg nutrition :
Eggs are one of nature’s most perfectly balanced foods, containing all the protein, vitamins (except vitamin C) and minerals essential for good health.

Today’s large egg contains only a moderate amount of fat, with about 5 grams in only the egg yolk, (1.5 grams saturated), 213 mg of cholesterol and 75 calories. Eggs can easily fit into your daily fat limit.

Calories : 80
Protein : 6.3 grams
Carbohydrates : 0.6 grams
Total Fat : 5.0 grams
– monounsaturated fat :
   2.0   grams
– polyunsaturated fat : 0.7
– saturated fat : 1.5 grams
  Cholesterol : 213
 Sodium : 063 milligrams

Eggs have a high nutrient density because they provide significant amounts of vitamins and minerals yet contain only 71 calories. They are an excellent source of high quality protein (i.e. they contain all the essential amino acids) as well as many B vitamins. The nutritional value of an egg is divided between the egg white and the egg yolk.

The white contains more than half the egg’s total protein, niacin, riboflavin, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and sulfur and all the egg’s zinc.

The yolk contains all of the fat in the egg and a little less than half of the protein. It also contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and E. Egg yolks are one of the few foods naturally containing vitamin D. The yolk also provides vitamin B 12 and folic acid, and the minerals iron, calcium, copper and phosphorus.

The yolk contains approximately 190 mg of cholesterol and 5 grams of fat, less than a third of which is saturated fat. In the 1980’s science focused on the amount of cholesterol in eggs, however recent nutrition information indicates that it is more important to focus on reducing the intake of total fat and saturated fat rather than cholesterol. This is good news for eggs. It is not necessary to limit egg or egg yolk consumption unless recommended by your physician.

While each egg white is fat and cholesterol free, yolks contain 213 milligrams of cholesterol (approximately 22% less cholesterol than previously thought) and 5 grams of total fat. Only 1.5 grams of the yolk’s fat is saturated, the kind of fat that is most likely to increase blood cholesterol levels. In fact, compared with dietary cholesterol, saturated fat exerts a four times stronger influence on blood choles- terollevels. Just published research actually saw an increase in the HDL or the “good” cholesterol levels of subjects who added an egg each day to their diet [Farrel et al. 1998. Am J Clin Nutr. 68: 538-544.].

The Goldmine of Goodness


An egg is one of the most exciting ways to get your daily dose of essential nutrients, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Protein : One single egg has 6.25 grams of protein of the highest quality, containing all the 9 essential amino acids your body requires. These amino acids are the building blocks of life, necessary for the growth of your children.

Egg protein is critical for pregnant women because it enables the baby to grow normally and even builds his resistance for the future. Moreover eggs help in the development of the mother’s uterus, breasts, and other reserves.

What’s more, the high quality protein of an egg is essential to repair worn-out and damaged tissues. It is an excellent source of energy. And it helps in digestion and in building resistance.

Vitamins : Eggs are rich in Vitamin A, critical for good eyesight and healthy skin. They have the entire Vitamin B Group, necessary for a good appetite, healthy metabolism and stable nerves. Eggs also have Vitamin D essential for strong teeth and bones and Vitamin K for the normal clotting of blood.

Minerals : The secret of mental and physical efficiency is a well-balanced body chemistry. Eggs are an excellent source of 11 critical minerals.

24 work hours a day.
No leave. No pay.
The best job in the world.

It’s your first pregnancy. And suddenly it seems as if everyone in the world has an opinion about how children should be raised, a mix of half-baked knowledge and things their grandmother said. For the young mother-to-be, things can get confusing, and not a little worrying.

To begin with, you may have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Will you be able to gather up all the energy having a baby demands ? There may be pressures within the family. Will it be a boy or a girl ? Along with the dreams come the questions. How should I bring up my child ? What should I do if he fails an exam, refuses to eat carrots, watches too much TV ?

Whether you are a first-time mother or you have a school-going child, this guide, we hope, will provide some of the answers. Remember, though, that each child is different and no one knows your child better than you do. Your love. Your caring. Your support. In the end, that is all that counts.

Baby knows best

She’s a helpless little creature who does nothing but snooze, bawl and slurp milk. But surprise, baby knows a lot about her energy needs. Her way of telling you is simple. She wakes when she’s hungry, she cries when she has to be fed.

Breast-feeding or the bottle ?

Before you make up your mind, consider the advantages of breast-feeding. Breast milk contains all the essential nutrients your little tot needs in an easily digestible form, especially iron. It helps build immunity against diseases, and reduces the chances of infection. Not to mention the immense satisfaction it gives to both mother and child.

What you eat is what your baby gets. You’ll have to watch your diet closely if you are breast feeding. That means plenty of fruits and vegetables (preferably salads so that none of the vitamins are lost in cooking), lots of milk to give you calcium for your growing baby, meat for proteins and an egg a day for essential vitamins, minerals and proteins. If your husband smokes make sure its while you are not in the room.

Bottle feeding can be combined with breast feeding if you are a working mother. You can breast-feed your baby during your maternity leave. Later you can switch to the bottle while you are at work and breast feed your baby whenever you are at home.

Feeding your baby.

If you are not breast-feeding, make sure you give your baby only pasteurised, homogenised milk (with the fat broken up, its easier to digest). You may need to add missing nutrients.

Breast fed babies are rarely constipated, since the milk is easily digested. For the others, it may be a real problem and you may need to give your baby some boiled water in a properly sterilized bottle.

How much weight should a baby gain ?

Babies normally lose weight in the first few days and regain it later. The average baby gains about 2 pounds a month in the first three months. The process slows down later. Remember, though that there is nothing like an average baby, your child may gain weight at a different pace.

A day in the life of a mother

Nap. Wake up. Bawl for mama. Gulp milk. Burp. Snooze again. A baby’s daily routine may be simple, but yours will be a bit more demanding when you are nursing a child. It’s quite likely that your day could begin sometime in the middle of the night, when baby cries far a feed.

How often should you feed baby ?

Most mums work out a schedule in which baby is fed every four hours. It isn’t easy, but with a little guidance, you can work out a similar routine. In the beginning, you may need to interrupt baby’s nap if it is feeding time.

If she wakes too soon after feeding, she probably hasn’t had a full meal. If she wakes an hour early, see if she can hold out till feeding time. The rule of thumb is that your tot shouldn’t cry or go hungry for long periods.

A word on diapers.

You can use disposable diapers (convenient to use) or an ordinary cloth diaper. Most mums use the disposable one when they take baby out. Watch out for diaper rash, caused by damp cloth against soft and tender skin.

Baby’s bath time.

Most kids love bath time, whether it’s a sponge bah or a tub bath. Before the mid-morning feed is a good time for a bath. Since most babies, especially under-weight ones, don’t have too finely tuned a temperature control system, make sure the room is reasonably warm. The water should be at body temperature (90°F – 100°F). If your baby’s skin is dry, or easily chafed, you may need to use powders and baby lotions.

Watching them grow.

The First smile. The first time she cuts a tooth and keeps you up all night. The first time she gurgles ‘mama’. There’s nothing more fascinating to watch than a baby growing up.

The Great Explorer.

Your little one’s first contact with the outside world will begin when she starts grabbing at everything in sight (watch out, it might be your nose). By 9 months, your baby will be eager to go exploring on all fours. If your little crawler is ambitious, she may try standing up too, or take her first tottering steps at the age of 12 – 18 months. Between 1 and 2 you’ll also notice if your baby shows signs of being left-handed. Remember that forcing children to use the right hand can cause stuttering and emotional problems in later life.

Is your child a slow developer ?

People around you will always be comparing your child to others, “My little niece could say her ABC by two.” Don’t worry if little Raju seems to be slow to catch up. Many babies begin to pick up words after the first year, but that doesn’t mean that late talkers are less intelligent. If you still feel worried, consult your doctor.

The first tooth.

Your baby may cut her first incisor any time between 3 months and a year. Teething makes your little brat cranky and causes loss of appetite. Let her chew a rubber ring to exercise her teeth, and keep painted toys out of the way. Calcium and phosphorous (found in milk), vitamins C and D, and fluoride in the diet will give her stronger teeth. A baby’s milky diet can cause tooth decay, so make sure her mouth is always clean (brushing teeth can wait till age 2).
Feast after fast: health freak Gujaratis gradually turn non-vegetarian
(Express India 08.05.09 )
Vadodara :Contrary
to the general image of Gujarat as a vegetarian society,

the food-loving Gujaratis are now increasingly taking to the popular ad slogan Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao ande.

The poultry production and consumption in the last five years in Gujarat has increased by 200 per cent, which the poultry framers association say is due to increased awareness about protein-rich non-vegetarian food. Apart from the protein factor, the influx of non-Gujaratis in the state due to industrial development is believed to have changed the eating habits.

In 2003-04, the production of egg stood at 44.23 crore, which increased to 82.56 crore in 2007-08 as per the figures provided by state Animal Husbandry Department.

In fact, the production shot up from 57.75 crore in 2005 to 82.56 crore in 2008. The data further shows that the poultry, including chicken, has gone up from 81 lakh in the 2003 census to 133 lakh in 2007.

Anvesh Patel, president, Gujarat Poultry Farmers Association and one of the largest poultry farmers, said: “Ten years ago, people did not realise the significance of protein in their diet. Now, people want to remain healthy, and therefore they take a lot of protein in their diet. The mentality has changed, so has the food habit.” He added that the restriction on non-vegetarian food has gone down considerably.

The western Gujarat region of Saurashtra, where the consumption was very less, is now including non-vegetarian food in its diet. “It is very strange, but the western part of Gujarat has seen a significant consumption of poultry in the last few years. People have started accepting the non-vegetarian food, realising the benefits of protein-rich diet,” said Patel.

Dr Kachia Patel, joint director, Animal Husbandry Department, also feels that the rise in the awareness level about protein-rich diet has been instrumental in increasing the consumption of poultry products.

Dr Sailesh Dadania of Venkateshwara Hatcheries (Venky’s), the largest fully integrated poultry group in Asia, said: “The increase in the consumption as well as production of poultry industry in the state is over 12 per cent every year. The major reason for this increase is awareness about protein-rich diet and the change of mentality towards non-vegetarian food.”


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I am sure you will love it !
They have iron, critical for healthy blood and good respiration. Phosphorous, to stimulate the nerves and the brain. Not to mention calcium, sodium, chlorine, potassium, sulphur, magnesium, zinc, copper and iodine for the normal functioning of your body.

Fats : Everybody requires the right amount of fat to stay healthy. An egg contributes only 6% of the recommended maximum of total fat. The fat in eggs is easily digested, which is an important factor in the diet of young children, convalescents and old people.

No wonder, eggs are recommended by the National Institute of Nutrition as an important part of a nutritionally balanced diet.

By Anand Halve
Financial Express 18th Sep 2009
There are several reasons why I believe this is one of the classic campaigns in Indian advertising. Among the most important reasons is the fact that it was perhaps the first, and ever since, perhaps the only instance of a generic campaign that was handled with the same degree of attention and scientific rigour as a campaign for a manufactured and marketed product.
A lot of the credit for this is due to the Late Dr BV Rao, chairman of NECC, who initiated this campaign. Dr Rao was a visionary, and did as much for the co-operative movement in the poultry sector as Dr Kurien did for the dairy sector.

The idea of the exercise was to provide a steady demand for eggs, to support the poultry farmers. The campaign objective thus became: “Promote all-year consumption of eggs”.

This, however, was easier said than done. There were several barriers to achieving the objective:

Inadequate knowledge: There was a surprising lack of knowledge about the nutritional value of eggs. While there was a belief that eggs were rich in protein, the other nutrients provided by eggs: vitamins, mineral, micronutrients etc, were not known.

Lack of variety: Food is not just about nutrition and health; it is actually about taste and enjoyment! Unfortunately, people only thought of boiled eggs, omelettes or fried eggs when they thought of eggs. And these dishes were considered too boring to be consumed very often.

Absence of perceived need: Most women believed that they were already giving their families meals that were nutritionally balanced. In such a situation they saw little need to supplement their diet with eggs.

The ways to overcome these barriers became the basis of the three-pronged communication exercise. First, there was an educational print campaign, which informed readers about the nutritional qualities of eggs. This exercise encouraged people to add eggs to their diet as a valuable nutritional supplement.

The second phase of the campaign focused on overcoming the perception that egg dishes were ‘boring’. This leg of the campaign focused on the wide variety of ways in which tasty egg dishes could be made: egg chaat, egg biryani, egg kofta, egg curry… and so on.

And third, there was a part of the campaign, which focused on those segments that had higher nutritional needs and would benefit from extra nutrition. The two segments were children in their growing years, and expectant women and nursing mothers who were in effect, “eating for two people”!
It is important to emphasise that the communication exercise was backed with a TV commercial that was built around a jingle “Meri jaan, meri jaan Sunday ke Sunday” (based on a Hindi film song), that made eggs a fun thing, and especially, appealed to children—the likely consumers of eggs.

In addition, there were programmes—such as making egg preparations available at bus stations, the publishing of daily egg prices, the inclusion of a Free Egg Recipe Book offer in the ads—which facilitated and encouraged conversion of intent into consumption.

When it came to execution, the campaign elements were sewn together with the use of an ‘egg yolk yellow’ background, and a catchy line, “Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao andey” (Translation: Sunday or a Monday, have an egg every day.)

The campaign has demonstrated its enormous value in remaining extendable over time.

It has met both business criteria in achieving increase in egg consumption, and creative acclaim by winning the Advertising Club of Bombay Campaign of the Year Award.

I, of course, have one more reason to think of this campaign as an all-time favourite. I wrote the line: Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao ande.

The author is co-founder, chlorophyll brand and communication consultancy

The hit taken in Delhi was significant, given that it is the trading centre for North India, NECC officials said.

Expressing concern over price fluctuations seen recently in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, she said that some traders were fanning rumours of bird flu being reported in the eastern regions of the country.

Ms Desai, who is also Chairperson of Venkateshwara Hatcheries (VH) Group, observed that though markets were recovering in the metros, the Rs 29,000-crore poultry industry needed to set the record straight, to prevent further setbacks. About 35 per cent of the total poultry sales are from eggs, she said.

“We are in a state of alert and have about 80 poultry diagnostic labs across the country that educate farmers even in interior parts of the country,” she points out.

Meanwhile, Triton has been appointed as the agency to do the consumer awareness campaigns.

Mr O.P. Singh, Chief Executive Officer – VH Group, said that officials were working round-the-clock to put the campaign together. “The national level campaign, in print and electronic media, would be both in English and regional languages. The campaign would list facts on the poultry industry and encourage consumers to continue eating eggs and chicken. Though it would be part of the regular NECC campaign to encourage consumption, the next three months would see heightened visibility,” he said.

Further, he points out that there is a larger dimension to avian flu in the global market. “Thailand accounts for 40 per cent of exports to the EU, West Asia and Japan, a market it has stolen from the US. Thailand has grown to the third position, behind the US and Brazil,” and this could be one reason to discredit poultry exports from Asia, he observes. Asian poultry exports are an estimated $12 billion, he said.

Growth in a nutshell

The Rs 29,000-crore poultry industry, growing at 8-12 per cent, is tipped to surpass the automobile industry by 2005.

India is the fourth largest egg producer.

In terms of laying hens, the country has 164 million birds per annum.

Last year, 3,75,000 hens were examined for research/disease control through the Poultry Diagnostic Research Centre.

The industry employs 3.5 million poultry farmers, of whom 40 per cent are women.











Biological Value:

Eggs have been considered the standard against which all other protein foods are measured because their protein composition is so ideal.

Eggs are considered a complete protein because they contain all nine essential amino acids, or the building blocks of protein.

One large egg contains 6.3 grams of protein. The protein is almost equally split between the egg white and the egg yolk. The white contains 3.5 grams of protein while the yolk contains 2.8 grams. The protein in an egg contains all the essential amino acids used for growth and development.

Based on the essential amino acids it provides, egg protein is second only to mother’s milk for human nutrition. Essential amino acids must be provided by the food we eat because our body cannot produce them. While providing 6.25 grams of the highest quality protein, each egg contains 10 percent of the USRDA.

Muscles, organs, skin, hair as well as antibodies, enzymes, transport molecules and hormones are all made from protein. Each protein has a certain number and sequence of amino acids. Nine amino acids cannot be made by the body. These nine are known as essential amino acids and you must get them from the foods you eat.

Foods that contain all nine essential amino acids are called complete protein foods. The nine essential amino acids are :

  1. Valine
  2. Leucine
  3. Isoleucine
  4. Threonine
  5. Histidine
  6. Tryptophan
  7. Phenylalanine
  8. Methionine
  9. Lysine

The remaining acids if not supplied in the diet is produced mostly from the essential amino acids.

Scientists frequently use eggs as a standard for measuring the protein quality of other foods. Protein quality is expressed as biological value, which measures the rate of efficiency that protein is used for growth. At 93.7%, eggs score higher than any other food. On a scale with 100 representing top efficiency, following are the biological values of proteins in several foods.

Whole egg : 93.7
Milk : 84.5
Fish : 76.0
Beef : 74.3
Soybeans : 72.8
Polished rice : 64.0
Wheat, whole : 64.0
Corn : 60.0
Beans, dry : 58.0

Look who’s talking now.

Between the ages of 1 and 3 your baby will graduate from goo-goo-ga-ga to asking more questions than you can handle. It’s the time when toddlers wake up to the world around them. Careful, what they learn will shape their personality in later years. Will they be timid or shy, friendly or withdrawn ? It all depends on whether you are over protective, harsh or tolerant. So keep the sharp objects, polythene bags, matches and medicines out of their reach and let them explore the world.

The terrible twos.

Age 2 is when your child will be out to prove he has a mind of his own. Kids can get choosy about what they eat, and sometimes it may seem they can’t stay out of trouble. Set limits by all means, but encourage their independence. If you are firm and insist they learn to put away things, wash up and dress by themselves, you’ll give them a sense of responsibility. It’s a better way to build discipline than spanking or saying ‘no’ all the time.

This is also the age when kids are beset by groundless fears. You may feel stretched at times, but remember mollycoddling tends to make the fears bigger. Some children stutter at this age, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are going to grow up speaking like that. Your little Nina just learned to speak and if she is tense or excited, the words don’t come out right. If the problem seems acute, your doctor can suggest some tests.

The wonder years.

Between 3 and 6 is when your kid’s imagination will be at it’s most vivid. More often than not, they will play the monkey and imitate their parents. Playing house, going to work, cooking mud pies are all signs of their fascination with adult behavior.

Guns for boys and dolls for girls.

Most parents try at this time to make their kids conform to certain roles. They get worried if a boy seems too interested in cooking and other such woman’s work. Its probably healthier for children if you let them explore whatever they find interesting, without curbing their imagination.

Going to school.

It may seem a little early for your child to join the rat race, but the truth is that many parents put pressure on their children so that they get into a good school. Your little tot will adjust better to this world if you haven’t been over protective, if you encourage them to learn and explore. Ease the pressure, there’ll be enough later.

Ask me why.

Why is the sky blue ? Why did Fluffy have to die ? Where do babies come from ? You may find it hard to answer all these questions at times; some may even shock or embarrass you. Hush-hushing them doesn’t help. Children have over-active imaginations and making a subject taboo in conversation won’t banish it from their minds. It might be simpler to say matter-of-factly that children come from a seed in mommy’s stomach – they can find out more when you think it’s the right age.

Stepping out into the big, bad world.

The years before teenage strikes with a rash of pimples are the most trying ones for most mums. Between 6 and 11, your kid is exposed to a whole new world, to new influences. You may worry about the friends he plays with, his progress at school, or if he is picking up bad manners, foul language or habits like stealing and lying. It is vital that you tackle these situations with understanding. Make it clear that you disapprove but don’t humiliate your child. Try to find the reason instead.

First class first.

At school, remember that standing first in class isn’t always important. The competitive spirit is a healthy thing, but if your child starts getting exam nightmares, you know there’s too much pressure on him. Unfortunately, many schools are rather like factories today, with an unnecessary emphasis on rote learning. You or someone from your family may need to put in extra effort to make sure your kids are learning something. This doesn’t mean tuition. It means making boring subjects come alive, connecting dry-as-dust geometry to real life. Arithmetic is probably better understood if it’s your kid’s pocket money that’s being counted.

Remember in case of failure your child isn’t always to blame. Teachers find it hard to give each kid individual attention. It’s easier for you to find the real reasons.

My son, the engineer.

It’s great to see dreams for your child’s future, but is it the same dream he or she is seeing ? A boy with no head for abstractions will make a poor engineer or doctor, and a misfit in his career. It makes more sense to see where his real abilities lie. (An aptitude test may point the right way). Any profession, be it such frowned-upon careers as theatre or art, can be rewarding and profitable if you allow his talents to develop freely.

A mother’s trouble-shooting guide.

Aches, pains, colds and fevers are a part of your baby’s growing years. Here are some common illnesses you should look out for (do check with your doctor in all cases).


The first thing you should know about fever is that it is not a disease. It is one of the ways by which the body gets over infection. Your baby may develop fever with mild infections like colds or ear infections.


Tonsils grow until 7 or 8 years and then gradually become smaller. It is only in extreme cases that tonsils need to be removed. Talk to your doctor.


If your baby is allergic to milk, chances are it is inherited. Breast-feeding is ideal in such cases. If your baby is already on formula and has stomach problems, your doctor will be able to suggest a different one. A common allergy is a nose allergy caused by an extreme sensitivity to pollen.

Eye troubles

Aching eyes trouble with studying and headaches are some of the symptoms of defective vision. A common eye complaint is a sty which is an infection in a hair follicle of the lashes. Your doctor can prescribe an ointment.


Sneezes are a plot of growing up and little Nina is probably no different. Kids could catch a cold from their friends. Nervousness or tension also lowers their resistance to colds. Make sure your child doesn’t come into contact with anyone who has a cold. That’s the best way to avoid one.

Bed wetting

Most children between 2 – 3 years stop bed wetting at night. But sometimes, the problems continue. Your child may not be able to control his bladder. This may be a physical or nervous reaction. You will need to reassure your child about his fears.

Stomach upsets and aches

After one year, a common cause of stomach aches is a cold, a sore throat or the flu. Other not-so-common causes include intestinal allergies, chronic indigestion with gas.
From Rambling with Bellur (28th
According to legend, when Napoleon and his army were travelling through the south of France they decided to rest for the night near the town of Bessieres. Napoleon feasted on an Omelette prepared by a local innkeeper that was such a culinary delight that Napoleon ordered the townspeople to gather all the eggs in the village and to prepare a huge Omelette for his army the next day.
From the time I first saw the NECC ad way back in the ’80s, which said ‘Sunday ho ya Monday, Roz khao ande”, I was eager to taste them. And Sunday ho ya Monday, I wanted to eat them everyday. I wanted a change from the usual idli, Uppitt, Akki Rotti etc.. But the problem was that the elders in my family were against cooking eggs in the house. After much argument, I was allowed to bring and cook it myself in a separate aluminium vessel. I excitedly brought 2 eggs (30 paise each) on a summer morning and put them in water to make boiled egg. Although the result was not to my expectations, I wanted to taste egg-cellent dishes.
Over the years, I have loved eating egg fried rice, egg Biriyani, and egg Burji. But my favourite is egg Omelette. (Aside: Indian Railways Omelette Sandwiches are pretty famous. The first time I heard an Omelette seller in a train, I thought he was telling everyone “I am late”). The best Omelette I have eaten is at India Coffee House (on MG Road). The guys there know that I order nothing but Omelette and Coffee. So even before I settle down, the guys wish me and get a plate of hot Omellette with tomato sauce.
One thing about Omelette is that they are easy to prepare. And the other thing is that each person has his/ her own recipe. Important to note that  one needs to use the right size of frying pan. This is more important than you may think. Too large, and the Omelette will dry out; too small, and it will not cook through. As a basic guide, you need a 15 centimeter pan for a two-egg Omelette and a 25 centimeter pan for a four to six egg Omelette. That is, 6 inches and 10 inches respectively, which, handily enough, is pretty much the size of pans you should have in your kitchen anyway.
Ok, before we start, let’s keep everything ready:
4-5 Eggs
1 large Onion
1 large Tomato
1 large Capsicum
1/2 tsp. Haldi
1/2 tsp. Red chilli powder
Salt, to taste
1-2 tsp. Butter
So, let’s start:
Cut Onion, Tomato and Capsicum into small cubical pieces. To this add eggs, salt, haldi, red chilli powder and beat well. In a pan add butter and the above batter, flip the Omelette when its done on one side. Do this carefully – if the Omelette is very heavy, you’ll not be able to turn it properly. If you look underneath, you should see that both sides of the Omelette are evenly browned and not burned. After you feel both sides are cooked, you can serve hot Omelette with tomato sauce. And lo! In just fifteen minutes, you have transformed into an Omelette maker extraordinaire!
Watch this ad on the following link:
( cut and paste this if it doesn’t
open easily by clicking)
Some responses to an ad agency’s question on the ad :
Sunday Ho Ya Monday …..Limit Mai Khao Andey !!!!
Hari om hari om……….hum shakahari hai ji…..kisi ki hatya karna paap hai….kabhi na khao ande
Being a total vegetarian, I do not support the statement
Vegetarians ke liye ya pata hona jaroori hai ki egg is vegetarian till the development in the egg starts and that is only when hatching process begin. tann aur mann se agar tandarust hona ho to sure khao ande. it has lot of protiens.
I am a Pure Veggie would not like to comment on this for it can mean hurting other’s Choice !!
Sunday ho ya Monday Roz khao Ande,par chori ke hueto padenge Dande
Errrrrr, baba shravan chalu hai .ande abhi nahi .shravan khatam hone ke baad
Don’t chicken out of consuming eggs…

P.T. Jyothi Datta



Mumbai , Feb. 8

(From The Hindu Business Line

dated Feb 9th 2004)


THE fear of disease can sometimes be more damaging than the disease itself, or so it seems with the recent bird-flu.

Consumers are in two minds on whether in fact, they could eat an egg a day – the compelling `Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao ande’ campaign notwithstanding. The NECC (National Egg Co-ordination Committee), along with the Poultry Development Council (PDC), is set to run a campaign to dispel rumours and instil consumer confidence.

Ms Anuradha Desai, Chairperson, NECC, told Business Line that chicken consumption was hit by about 10 per cent in key markets such as Delhi and though egg sales were not hit, a negative sentiment was perceived among consumers. “NECC and PDC would run campaigns from next week telling consumers to continue consuming eggs and chickens, as hygiene standards among poultry farmers in India were comparable to the best in the world.” @@ 



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38 Responses to Eggs-actly !!

  1. J S BROCA says:

    My comments in FE of 20th Sept 09.( on their website,below the article “Sunny side up “)

    Sunny side up

    Posted by J S Broca on 2009-09-19 11:24:13.091032+05:30

    Eggs-actly !!

    Dear Sir, This refers to Anand Halve’s article titled “Sunny side up ” in FE of 18th Sep 2009. It was a very interesting piece on what excited him and how he wrote the award winning tag line for NECC ie ” Sunday Ho Ya Monday,Roz Khao Andey “. In fact it has become so popular that even road side stalls and small shops selling eggs and bread and omlettes,proudly display the lines prominently.

    The best part is that it has both class and mass appeal and flavour.Yes,Anand Halve indeed should feel proud for having connected aam aadmi with the humble andaa. Kudos !

    I feel the time is now ripe for another catchy tagline.


    Chew on that !!

    J. S.BROCA
    New Delhi

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