An Inspired Senryu

An Inspired Senryu

I had read and liked Shri Gautam Nadkarni’s following senryu posted in Muse on 18th May 2009:


the shorthand steno
has long hands


My response to the above senryu was as under :


Dear Gautam, a good one. It is said that long fingers (hands) mean an artistic personality. A steno has to have the art of taking dictation from her boss under all situations! See my separate e-mail to you on a similar theme.

J S Broca , New Delhi
May 21, 2009   


I was inspired by this senryu and made an effort to compose one on a similar theme.Here is what I first wrote :


denies steno her
right – boss’ lap !!
I had requested Gautamji to suggest changes and/or correct it.
I had narrated the following incident to Gautamji :
While working in a pvt sector company, I had once barged into the chamber of my boss and I saw him giving dictation to the secretary/ steno. She was sitting in a compromising position while scribbling on her pad. So this is what triggered the above piece.
In response, our Muse Grand Master Gautam ji, advised me as under : 

Dear Jatinder jee, although the meaning of your senryu attempt is clear, it is much too wordy. Try to keep it simple. For example:
dictation –
the latest invention
laptop stenos
Here as you can see I have used only 13 syllables and the word ‘boss’ is not necessary at all; the meaning comes through. Your version is only about 10 syllables but you are explaining the joke. This is taboo to any humorous senryu or even in everyday jokes. You should leave scope for the reader to use his/her own imagination. Still, it is a good attempt; keep it up!
Thanks dear Gautamji.
So, the final inspired senryu is as under :
dictation –
the latest invention
laptop stenos
Your comments and suggestons are welcome.

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2 Responses to An Inspired Senryu

  1. Atreya Sarma says:

    An interesting observation and reading. Yes, the final version carries the day. How about this shuffling, in a different skirt (!)? your idea remaining intact.

    Topping up

    Brocaji, next time you’ve to do it, please knock at the door, pause and then sail in. In a ‘private’ sector company, you’ve to regard their ‘privacy.’ Warm regards.

    U Atreya Sarma, Secunderabad-56
    May 22, 2009

  2. seshu chamarty says:

    Hilarious Brocaji, My version would be:


    laptop records

    steno on the top

    These days a steno is kept as a standby.

    Seshu Chamarty, Hyderabad
    May 24, 2009

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