An Inspired Senryu
I had read and liked Shri Gautam Nadkarni’s following senryu posted in Muse on 18th May 2009:
the shorthand steno
has long hands
My response to the above senryu was as under :
Dear Gautam, a good one. It is said that long fingers (hands) mean an artistic personality. A steno has to have the art of taking dictation from her boss under all situations! See my separate e-mail to you on a similar theme.
J S Broca , New Delhi
May 21, 2009
I was inspired by this senryu and made an effort to compose one on a similar theme.Here is what I first wrote :
denies steno her
right – boss’ lap !!
I had requested Gautamji to suggest changes and/or correct it.
I had narrated the following incident to Gautamji :
While working in a pvt sector company, I had once barged into the chamber of my boss and I saw him giving dictation to the secretary/ steno. She was sitting in a compromising position while scribbling on her pad. So this is what triggered the above piece.
In response, our Muse Grand Master Gautam ji, advised me as under :
An interesting observation and reading. Yes, the final version carries the day. How about this shuffling, in a different skirt (!)? your idea remaining intact.
Topping up
Brocaji, next time you’ve to do it, please knock at the door, pause and then sail in. In a ‘private’ sector company, you’ve to regard their ‘privacy.’ Warm regards.
U Atreya Sarma, Secunderabad-56
May 22, 2009
Hilarious Brocaji, My version would be:
laptop records
steno on the top
These days a steno is kept as a standby.
Seshu Chamarty, Hyderabad
May 24, 2009